The NSS Units of the CollegeAn OverviewNational Service Scheme (NSS) at college level is the grass-root unit in NSS. Usually, NSS Unit at College level is created in way to keep contact with the community, administration, student youth and teaching faculty through this unit. Therefore, the organisation and management of NSS Unit at College level are of vital significance. So far as the NSS Manual is concerned, the strength of a NSS Unit has been restricted to 100 NSS volunteers. Following the manual and in accordnce with the strength of the students, the College has been allotted two NSS Units of its own affiliated to and recognized by the University of Burdwan having a number of 200 volunteers (100 volunteers for each Unit). At college level the NSS volunteers are enrolled from the first (Sem-1&2) and second year (Sem-3&4) degree-class students. Preference are given to the students who have worked as NSS volunteers at +2 level. Students belonging to minority communities, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes are also encouraged to participate in NSS. Besides, both the two Units have two separate adopted villages adjacent to the College where the programme of NSS is generally organized. Both the two Units are managed/Co-ordinated by the two Programme Officers separately/jointly in consultation with the NSS Programme Co-ordinator (BU), Regional Centre and State Liaison Officer considering the demands of the institution and the society. Programme Officers are responsible for the organisation of NSS units, implementation of NSS programme under the supervision and direction of Principal of the college or head of the institution. The Programme Officers are also responsible to carry out the instructions issued by the Programme Co-ordinator of the University, NSS Regional Centre and State Liaison Officer for the implementation of NSS activities as per the NSS Manual, programme guidelines and administrative and policy directives. The main objective of NSS programme is to prepare the NSS volunteers for the democratic, self-disciplined and self-reliant way of life. The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is : ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. To this end, through its 'Regular activities' and 'Special Camping Programme' different programmes of social awareness and community development is organized throughout the year which inter alia includes development of play grounds, laying of gardens, tree plantation in the premises, awareness programmes on drug-abuse, AIDS, population education, eradication of illiteracy, watershed management and wasteland development, agricultural operations, health, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, mother and child care, family life education, gender justice, development of rural cooperatives, savings drives, construction of rural roads, campaign against social evils etc. Objectives of NSSThe broad objectives of NSS are to: (i) understand the community in which they work (ii) understand themselves in relation to their community; (iii) identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process; (iv) develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility; (v) utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems; (vi) develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities; (vii) gain skills in mobilizing community participation; (viii) acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude; (ix) develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and (x) practice national integration and social harmony. Programme Officer of NSS Unit-IDr. Chandan Kr. Dan, Asst. Prof. of Political Science Programme Officer of NSS Unit-IIMr. Tanmoy Dey, Asst. Prof. of Computer Science NSS Activities
- (91) (03212) 242 235

[Government Aided General Degree College]